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1 Do I need to verify my identity (KYC)? add

No, CryptoSwap never requires KYC. You can swap crypto without providing any personal information.

2 Does CryptoSwap ever hold my funds? add

No. CryptoSwap is fully non-custodial, meaning we never hold your funds at any point. Your crypto moves directly from your wallet to the recipient’s wallet via secure smart contracts—there is never a moment where CryptoSwap or any third party controls your funds.

3 How private is CryptoSwap? add

We don’t track, log, or store your data. All transaction history is automatically deleted within 72 hours.

4 How long do swaps take? add

Most swaps complete within minutes, but some may take up to 2 hours, depending on network congestion.

5 Can I track my swap? add

Yes, use the “My Exchanges” tab to check your transaction status.